In resent Apple Security Updates, Apple has beefed-up their security to a point that it is starting to become an issue for anything not downloaded from the App Store directly.  This is true even for registered and licensed Developers such as ExecUtron Development.  Even though our apps are properly “Code Signed” with Apple, there are occasional misfires with Apple’s “GateKeeper” function that prevents non APP Store apps from running.  This is an Apple issue, and not a PIMS issue.  That said, if you do run into issues, do the following:

If you double-click a PIMS app (Server, Client, Single-User, etc.), and you get the following message (in error we might add):

Then simply right-click (or control-click) the app, and you’ll get the following:

Select “Open” from the pop-menu displayed.  You will then get a second chance to open the app:

You can now click the “Open” button.  The PIMS app will now launch without being hassled by GateKeeper.  You need only do this once, as the Mac OS will remember your choice…


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